Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Logic of Nonsense

"I like nonsense, it wakes up brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."  Dr Suess

It takes some courage to look at life your own way and even more to share your views. We won't be fulfilled attempting to conform to the dreams or victories of others. And just as true, we won't likely do anything worth much discussion without realizing our own path.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Daring to Dream


Innovation never gets old to me.  For years, I evaluated my surfing by what I saw in magazines and in the water. What was being done by others. I never really paid attention to what I enjoyed most about surfing; small waves and flow. If I had, I would have been riding a long board years ago.

Now that I'm older and the ocean is a full two hours from where I live, my opportunity for time in the water is far less than it once was. The impact is all good; I now think about and prepare for surfing far more than I ever did (both mentally and physically) and I've moved to a longer board (a 7'6" fun board) forced by the small summer surf on the east coast. Most importantly, I love surfing again.

Derek Hynd has spent a lifetime innovating. His willingness to dance to a very different drummer tells us more than just that it's OK to think for ourselves. Derek's efforts urge us to let our dreams lead us.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Danny MacAskill - "Way Back Home"

A job would tell this guy he was wasting his time. But we know better...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Grand View

Just turned 51 last week and I have a few observations:
  • Being "over the hill" scares me less and less each year. I'm in great shape - possibly the best in my life - and am learning that fitness goes far beyond my body. I'm far more optimistic, energetic, open, and creative than I can remember ever being. But life isn't necessarily any easier...
  • In honesty resides tremendous strength. Fitness and age allow me to more openly share who I am - with much less fear.
  • I wouldn't trade 51 years for 9, 13, 17, 21 or even 25. There is way too much confusion in youth. I find a certain peace in being who I am and resting in my experience.
The view from 51 is truly grand. And I believe 52 will be even better.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Beyond Imagination

When Randy Couture fights at 46, I feel empowered. Like, "I'm still alive" at 50. When he beats skilled kids 15 years younger, I realize I'm nothing like him. He's special in a way I can't imagine. Nevertheless, his effort and victory inspire me to reach beyond what a normal 50 year old should. 

Here's to Mr Couture...and to believing beyond imagination.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

"...Walk the Earth, meet People...Get Into Adventures"

Jules: I'll just walk the earth.
Vincent: What'cha mean walk the earth?
Jules: You know, walk the earth, meet people... get into adventures. Like Caine from "Kung Fu."

One of my all-time favorite movies is Pulp Fiction. For many reasons - dialog chief among them - I watch this movie again and again. But what's most engaging about Pulp Fiction is adventure; primarily the tale of two Samurai engaged in life's adventure.

And so it begins. My story will not be an historic rendition of Samurai warriors of old, nor will this Samurai's tale be anything like that told in Pulp Fiction. But it is truly the story of a modern day Samurai.